zaterdag 12 februari 2011

Rafael Correa (1872 - 1959)

This work is from the Chili based painter Rafael Correa who
offers us a market scene here. The colors are so strong and joyful
even after nearly sixty years. After cleaning it was clear that
this painting still is fresh to these days. Dated 1956.
Rafael Correa lived from 1872 untill 1959 and one
of his bigger works "La Trilla" sold for nearly 5000 Euro's.
What is immediately striking is the strange prefix M at the
end of this signature which allmost looks like three sevens.
He dated this work and made it on a typical piece of thick
cardboard. The back bears a stamp by the Bibliotheca
et Musea de Santiago Chili which claims a legally
export of this piece of art out of Chili.
Dimensions: 27 / 35 cm. Good condition.

The painting presented here we found on an internet site and
is more similar to the first one: more impressionistic and
with more tensity in it compared to his earlier works.
We still have to investigate provenance and value.
To my believe one of his stronger works!